Coronavirus Prevention – How to sanitize with Dettol Liquid Disinfectant
We are surrounded by illness causing germs and micro-organisms which can harm us on entering our body. One of the most effective ways to protect ourself is to prevent germs off our surfaces and in our environment. No, a straightforward wipe down with water isn't sufficient. One should clean and sanitize the surfaces appropriately to keep up with wellbeing and cleanliness.
Dettol has been helping to fight germs and providing all-round family protection against germs for generations – and continues to care for your family today. To maintain cleanliness and protection against infection from minor skin cuts, scratches, and bug bites, germs and micro-organisms use Dettol Antiseptic disinfectant liquids. It can also be used to clean surfaces around the house and to freshen linens by adding it to your laundry rinse cycle.
The Multi-Purpose Disinfectant Liquid
- Floor & Surface Cleaning – Put 1 capful Dettol Disinfectant Liquid to a litre of water wipe the floor surfaces. Also applicable for kitchen and bathroom floor cleaning.
- Bathing – Use 2 caps full to large bucket of water (10L).
- Laundry Disinfection – 1 capful to a litre of water in the last rinse.
Cleaning and Disinfecting
Cleaning and disinfecting may appear to be the same thing, but they are not. The act of cleaning is the removal of pollutants from a surface. Disinfection is the process of eliminating pathogens. And you'll need to do both of these things to maintain everything virus-free around you.
While cleaning and disinfecting one should keep in mind, the high touch surfaces – those surfaces which are repeatedly touched by everyone. Everyone's house is different, so just analyse the surfaces that you interact with the most. The High Touch surfaces cloud be doorknobs, tables, chairs, switches, gadgets, etc.
Disinfecting Your Gadgets
This is the place where the cleaning and sanitizing turns out to be more troublesome. Mobile phones, PCs, chargers, and other electronic gadgets are the most grounded magnets for germs. They're high-contact surfaces that you can take with you wherever you go. Thus, you should focus on cleaning and sanitizing them.
Disinfect your phones and tablets using disinfectant liquids or sanitizers. Clean the screen, buttons, corners, and any other areas where lint and dust collect. Remove any cases or covers that may be covering your devices. To remove germs nestled on your phones or tablets, dab a soft microfiber cloth in water enriched with disinfecting liquid. The disinfectant kills 99.9% germs.
Remember to wash your hands after any cleaning
Don't forget to wash your hands with a bar of soap or a liquid handwash after disinfection. Hand sanitizer can also be used to clean your hands before commencing any work, eating, or even touching someone.